December Photo Challenge
Day 31: Celebration...we will turn the heat up to 90, drink cheap Mexican beer, and pretend we are south of the other border where temps will be 130º warmer than they are here. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Day 30: Boots...I have two pairs that I wear regularly. Love them both.
Day 29: Kissing...the kisses are kissing each other in Mom's lovely blue creamer. Close enough!
Day 28: Desserts..."We don't always get our just desserts." ~ The Dowager Countess (Maggie Smith, Downton Abbey.) Sis made these this morning for Dad's birthday and a few hours later she broke her arm sledding. :-(
Day 27: Work...I have been on vacation since December 18th so I've tried not to do anymore than required!
Day 26: Shadow
Day 25: Nature...on a clear day, there are gorgeous views of the Adirondacks from here
Day 24: Christmas Tree
Day 23: Stranger...People rushing home to their families
Day 22: Texture...Ornament
Day 21: Black & White...a Dark-eyed Junco heard I needed a photo. He even ruffled his feathers for me.
Day 20: Falling...Snow!
Day 19: Wood...A branch
Day 18: Wet...I thought I wouldn't see a wet windshield until March
Day 17: Edible...Belgian waffle, yum!
Day 16: trouble
Day 15: Abandoned...This house has has been sitting here for way too long (yes I took it yesterday in anticipate of today's storm)
Day 14: Whimsy...My mom had these antlers on a gift bag. I immediately claimed them knowing they would come in useful.
Day 13: Decoration
Day 12: Package...Christmas is coming!
Day 11: Blue...Because the morning fit the requirement perfectly while serving it's original purpose as the December 11, 2013 "A Year in the Life of a Tree" photo.
Day 10: Light...Guiding us on our way even when we don't want it too.
Day 9: Music...I love music and I love my custom Slacker radio stations, Good Music and Good Music Too.
Day 8: Home...To me "home" is more than the four walls that shield me. Yes I have a comfortable home, but home is the old farmhouse I spent my childhood in with my family, the barns we worked and played in, and the fields we frolicked through in any weather.
Day 7: Technology...In honor of the NY Power Authority that has blocked my driveway for the third straight day, I give you my electric meter.
Day 6: Sunset…It was cloudy so I made my own fiery sunset
Day 5: Self-Portrait...double me!
Day 4: Inspiration...when I need inspiration I go outside. I may find it high in the skies or low between the blades of grass.
Day 3: Animal...Mora is my 8 year old dog that lives on the family farm. She is always bouncing with energy.
Day 2: My favorite what ever I am reading or listening to at the moment. Trickery I know!
Day 1: Something I Love...Getting lost in a really good book.